Imtiaz Chughtai created a new topic ' Social cohesion & Interfaith Harmony' in the forum. 25/05/2023

Social cohesion & Interfaith Harmony
By imtiaz Chughtai

Islamabad: Whenever I heard the news of violence being committed in the name of God; I am absolutely repulsed at the carnage caused by the radicals. The fact that the perpetrators espouse rhetoric linking their senseless murders to Islam disgusts me even further.
Pakistan is a multi-religion country with major Muslim population; living in the advanced days of the latest technology and multicultural society. Dealing with the follow citizens justly and equally is need of day. Lack of insecurity, unjust distribution of socio-economic resource, and misuse of blasphemy laws are some of the challenges to interfaith harmony in Pakistan. This is result of the migration of non-Muslims, especially Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis to India and western countries. Misinterpretation of jihad, partial and prejudiced religious discourse, absence of non-Muslims’ literature in the national educational curriculum has created gap between the majority and minorities of the country.
Pakistan can be better place to live if exchange of ideas keeps on taking place. There is not much difference in the original messages of love in different religions/faiths. Synthesis of philosophies of the genius, true lovers of humanity and Saints may bring heaven on this earth.
There is dire need to take immediate steps to ensure social justice and fair distribution of socio-economic resources in order to promote an environment for forbearance, tolerance and co-existence in our society and eliminate the sense of insecurity and injustice among the religious minorities. Interfaith harmony is the only way forwards in promoting peace and prosperity in the society in line with the spirit of the founder of the nation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Only tolerant society based on the principles of interfaith harmony can ensure social inclusion by providing all citizens equal opportunities to progress and grow irrespective of their faith.
Inhuman acts across the world have shaken the societies and under this situation, it is necessary to encourage tolerance, peace, patience and interfaith harmony in Pakistan. Religious minorities have right to enjoy a safe and secure environment as envisaged in the constitution of Pakistan and it must be provided unconditionally. To that end, there will be no harm in ammending the constitution, if such a need is felt. To my knowledge, Islam has issued severe warnings to those who infringe upon the rights of the minorities. Religiously motivated violence must be fought together and with passion. People from different faiths must continue to defend the faith and liberties of each other. The fanatics – weather at home or abroad – must be brought to justice, but that can only be done if people of all faiths and beliefs are united against them. Fundamentalists and extremists aim to kill people indiscriminately. Their only goal is to cause chaos, devastation and bloodshed. These types of violent actions are far removed from the teaching of any religion or faith. Every faith should start to defend the faith and liberties of each other. The cycle of hate and counter-hate, violence and counter-violence needs to be broken.
Youth should be engaged to build a future of enlightened and passionate Pakistan. Our young generation should understand that small acts of kindness can change lives. It is kindness that leads to a more secure and prosperous nation. I am confident that by working on these issues in our own communities, we can emerge as a model for the region as a whole.


Imtiaz Chughtai created a new topic ' Religious tolerance and interfaith' in the forum. 02/12/2021

Religious tolerance and interfaith

By Imtiaz Chughtai

Pakistan enjoy a shared and shining history when it came to the religious harmony, relationship with minorities as well as religious tolerance and interfaith. Despite being a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic society various religions, sects and faiths co-existed here for decades sharing common grounds, cultures and values in the subcontinent. The decade-old local culture, norms and values have proven enough to tie various religions, communities and faiths in sheer bonds of care, love and mutual respect.

Local culture was stronger enough to defuse and neutralize a number of colliding points present between various thoughts and ideologies. It also provided a strong bond between various religions for co-existence.

At the time of partition, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity and Sikhism were among the top religions besides many others big and small faiths, customs and cultures. After the partition the majorities in sub-continent started victimizing the smaller religions and communities. Within no time the hate griped the whole continent. Millions of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and Scheduled Castes were killed in violence.

Pakistan after her creation, provided shelter to various religions, faiths, ideologies, and cultures who became prey to the violence and hatred. Within boundaries of new state, various multi-religious societies and groups started living in coherence and complete religious harmony. Unlike India the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs and other minorities were given rights and protection in the constitution of Pakistan. The minorities on the other hand left no stone unturned in playing their due role for the development of the country. A large number of non-Muslims especially Pakistani Christians have laid down their lives while defending Pakistan against Indian aggressions. The Prime Minister recently has inaugurated the opening of Kartarpur corridor and Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, which is in-line with the vision given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation.

Since 1947, majority of governments have gone an extra mile in maintaining relationship minorities in Pakistan. Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur is now the world’s largest Sikh temple. Pakistani Government has also facilitated large number of the Indian Sikhs pilgrims visiting Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, Kartarpur without any discrimination. On the very first day of its opening, 12 thousand Sikh pilgrims were allowed to visit the corridor and the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib. All the past governments have made efforts in establishing coherence among various religions, cultures and ethnicities present here. The efforts were made in order to bring various ideologies close as well as to create a society based upon principles of love mutual respect and co-existence under green flag.

It was widely perceived, that after her birth, the Secular state of India will learn from her horrific past experiences and violence against minorities. However the said perception failed and India failed to continue as a true secular state where each religion, ethnicity and faith may enjoy freedom, religious harmony based upon concept of co-existence. Due to worst treatment of minorities’ number of separatist movements have become active in various parts of India. The cultural diversity was of mighty India was rapidly dominated by the religious extremism and hate ousting love and mutual respect from the land of Gandhi.

The BJP led government in India is now attempting to promote decades old extremist ideology of ‘Hinutva’ amid targeting Muslims, Christians, Dalits , Sikhs, Nagas and other minorities. Instead of promoting peace and inter-faith, the ruling Party and her allies are provoking religious sentiments based upon religious animosities. The religious minorities in India are not save any more and government has failed in providing them protection. As the big breakthrough of Kartarpur, in neighboring Pakistan boasted the moral of minorities there, the hardcore verdict of Indian Supreme Court on Babri Mosque case has triggered more fears and uncertainty among the minorities all over India. Brutal lock-down in Indian Occupied Kashmir has crossed over 100 days and the genocide of Kashmiris is continue in the hands Indian security forces. Now the minorities in India are feeling insecure as well as orphan. The Sikh community that is pleased with the opening of Kartarpur corridor, is still unable to forget the brutal use of force by India during ‘Operation Blue Star’ targeting her most sacred ‘Golden Temple.’ As a state India has failed to protect her minorities which Pakistan has done magnificently.

Instead of adopting the hostile approach towards minorities, the need of time is that India should revise her policies before it’s too late. When it comes to the treatment of minorities, India should learn from the shining experiences of Pakistan. The Minorities in Pakistan are in much better condition as compared to her.

It is always the duty of any state to ensure protection of its citizens as well as to provide them with chances for batter growth and improved living conditions. Like Pakistan, India has to pay more respect to her minorities. Despite efforts it will take some time for various religions, communities, and faiths to find and re-gain mutual trust in South East Asia.


Contact: +923345407526
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Imtiaz Chughtai created a new topic ' Religious harmony in Pakistan, India after 1947' in the forum. 27/11/2021

Religious harmony in Pakistan, India after 1947

Imtiaz Chughtai

Pakistan and India enjoy a shared and shining history when it came to religious harmony, relationships with minorities as well as religious tolerance, and interfaith. Despite being a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic society various religions, sects and faiths co-existed here for decades sharing common grounds, cultures, and values in the subcontinent. The decade-old local culture, norms, and values have proven enough to tie various religions, communities, and faiths in sheer bonds of care, love, and mutual respect.

Local culture was stronger enough to defuse and neutralize several colliding points present between various thoughts and ideologies. It also provided a strong bond between various religions for co-existence.
At the time of partition, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism were among the top religions besides many other big and small faiths, customs, and cultures. After the partition, the majorities in the sub-continent started victimizing the smaller religions and communities. Within no time the hate griped the whole continent. Millions of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and Scheduled Castes were killed in the violence.
Pakistan after her creation provided shelter to various religions, faiths, ideologies, and cultures who became prey to violence and hatred. Within the boundaries of a new state, various multi-religious societies and groups started living incoherent and complete religious harmony. Unlike India, the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs, and other minorities were given rights and protection in the constitution of Pakistan. The minorities on the other hand left no stone unturned in playing their due role for the development of the country. A large number of non-Muslims especially Pakistani Christians have laid down their lives while defending Pakistan against Indian aggressions. The Prime Minister recently has inaugurated the opening of the Kartarpur corridor and Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, which is in line with the vision given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation.
Since 1947, the majority of governments have gone an extra mile in maintaining relationship minorities in Pakistan. Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur is now the world’s largest Sikh temple. Pakistani Government has also facilitated a large number of the Indian Sikhs pilgrims visiting Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, Kartarpur without any discrimination. On the very first day of its opening, 12 thousand Sikh pilgrims were allowed to visit the corridor and the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib. All the past governments have made efforts in establishing coherence among various religions, cultures, and ethnicities present here. The efforts were made to bring various ideologies close as well as to create a society based upon principles of love mutual respect and co-existence under the green flag.
It was widely perceived, that after her birth, the Secular state of India will learn from her horrific past experiences and violence against minorities. However the said perception failed and India failed to continue as a truly secular state where each religion, ethnicity, and faith may enjoy freedom, religious harmony based upon the concept of co-existence. Due to the worst treatment of minorities’ number of separatist movements have become active in various parts of India. The cultural diversity was of mighty India was rapidly dominated by religious extremism and hate ousting love and mutual respect from the land of Gandhi.
The BJP led government in India is now attempting to promote the decades-old extremist ideology of ‘Hinutva’ amid targeting Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Sikhs, Nagas, and other minorities. Instead of promoting peace and inter-faith, the ruling Party and her allies are provoking religious sentiments based upon religious animosities. The religious minorities in India are not saving anymore and the government has failed in providing them protection. As the big breakthrough of Kartarpur, in neighboring Pakistan boasted the morale of minorities there, the hardcore verdict of the Indian Supreme Court on the Babri Mosque case has triggered more fears and uncertainty among the minorities all over India. Brutal lock-down in Indian Occupied Kashmir has crossed over 100 days and the genocide of Kashmiris continues in the hands of Indian security forces. Now the minorities in India are feeling insecure as well as orphans. The Sikh community that is pleased with the opening of the Kartarpur corridor, is still unable to forget the brutal use of force by India during ‘Operation Blue Star’ targeting her most sacred ‘Golden Temple.’ As a state, India has failed to protect its minorities which Pakistan has done magnificently.
Instead of adopting the hostile approach towards minorities, the need of the time is that India should revise its policies before it’s too late. When it comes to the treatment of minorities, India should learn from the shining experiences of Pakistan. The Minorities in Pakistan are in much better condition as compared to her.
Any state always must ensure the protection of its citizens as well as provide them with chances for better growth and improved living conditions. Like Pakistan, India has to pay more respect to its minorities. Despite efforts, it will take some time for various religions, communities, and faiths to find and re-gain mutual trust in South East Asia.


WhatsApp: +923345407526
E-mail: This email address is being protected from spambots. You need JavaScript enabled to view it.


Imtiaz Chughtai created a new topic ' Religious harmony in Pakistan, India after 1947' in the forum. 27/11/2021

Religious harmony in Pakistan, India after 1947

Imtiaz Chughtai

Pakistan and India enjoy a shared and shining history when it came to religious harmony, relationships with minorities as well as religious tolerance, and interfaith. Despite being a multi-racial, multi-lingual, multi-cultural, multi-religious, and multi-ethnic society various religions, sects and faiths co-existed here for decades sharing common grounds, cultures, and values in the subcontinent. The decade-old local culture, norms, and values have proven enough to tie various religions, communities, and faiths in sheer bonds of care, love, and mutual respect.

Local culture was stronger enough to defuse and neutralize several colliding points present between various thoughts and ideologies. It also provided a strong bond between various religions for co-existence.
At the time of partition, Hinduism, Islam, Christianity, and Sikhism were among the top religions besides many other big and small faiths, customs, and cultures. After the partition, the majorities in the sub-continent started victimizing the smaller religions and communities. Within no time the hate griped the whole continent. Millions of Muslims, Sikhs, Hindus, Christians and Scheduled Castes were killed in the violence.
Pakistan after her creation provided shelter to various religions, faiths, ideologies, and cultures who became prey to violence and hatred. Within the boundaries of a new state, various multi-religious societies and groups started living incoherent and complete religious harmony. Unlike India, the Christians, Hindus and Sikhs, and other minorities were given rights and protection in the constitution of Pakistan. The minorities on the other hand left no stone unturned in playing their due role for the development of the country. A large number of non-Muslims especially Pakistani Christians have laid down their lives while defending Pakistan against Indian aggressions. The Prime Minister recently has inaugurated the opening of the Kartarpur corridor and Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, which is in line with the vision given by Mohammad Ali Jinnah, the founder of the nation.
Since 1947, the majority of governments have gone an extra mile in maintaining relationship minorities in Pakistan. Gurdwara Darbar Sahib in Kartarpur is now the world’s largest Sikh temple. Pakistani Government has also facilitated a large number of the Indian Sikhs pilgrims visiting Gurdwara Darbar Sahib, Kartarpur without any discrimination. On the very first day of its opening, 12 thousand Sikh pilgrims were allowed to visit the corridor and the Gurdwara Darbar Sahib. All the past governments have made efforts in establishing coherence among various religions, cultures, and ethnicities present here. The efforts were made to bring various ideologies close as well as to create a society based upon principles of love mutual respect and co-existence under the green flag.
It was widely perceived, that after her birth, the Secular state of India will learn from her horrific past experiences and violence against minorities. However the said perception failed and India failed to continue as a truly secular state where each religion, ethnicity, and faith may enjoy freedom, religious harmony based upon the concept of co-existence. Due to the worst treatment of minorities’ number of separatist movements have become active in various parts of India. The cultural diversity was of mighty India was rapidly dominated by religious extremism and hate ousting love and mutual respect from the land of Gandhi.
The BJP led government in India is now attempting to promote the decades-old extremist ideology of ‘Hinutva’ amid targeting Muslims, Christians, Dalits, Sikhs, Nagas, and other minorities. Instead of promoting peace and inter-faith, the ruling Party and her allies are provoking religious sentiments based upon religious animosities. The religious minorities in India are not saving anymore and the government has failed in providing them protection. As the big breakthrough of Kartarpur, in neighboring Pakistan boasted the morale of minorities there, the hardcore verdict of the Indian Supreme Court on the Babri Mosque case has triggered more fears and uncertainty among the minorities all over India. Brutal lock-down in Indian Occupied Kashmir has crossed over 100 days and the genocide of Kashmiris continues in the hands of Indian security forces. Now the minorities in India are feeling insecure as well as orphans. The Sikh community that is pleased with the opening of the Kartarpur corridor, is still unable to forget the brutal use of force by India during ‘Operation Blue Star’ targeting her most sacred ‘Golden Temple.’ As a state, India has failed to protect its minorities which Pakistan has done magnificently.
Instead of adopting the hostile approach towards minorities, the need of the time is that India should revise its policies before it’s too late. When it comes to the treatment of minorities, India should learn from the shining experiences of Pakistan. The Minorities in Pakistan are in much better condition as compared to her.
Any state always must ensure the protection of its citizens as well as provide them with chances for better growth and improved living conditions. Like Pakistan, India has to pay more respect to its minorities. Despite efforts, it will take some time for various religions, communities, and faiths to find and re-gain mutual trust in South East Asia.


Imtiaz Chughtai created a new topic ' Social cohesion & Interfaith Harmony' in the forum. 25/11/2021

Social cohesion & Interfaith Harmony
By imtiaz Chughtai
Islamabad: Whenever I heard the news of violence being committed in the name of God; I am absolutely repulsed at the carnage caused by the radicals. The fact that the perpetrators espouse rhetoric linking their senseless murders to Islam disgusts me even further.
Pakistan is a multi-religion country with major Muslim population; living in the advanced days of the latest technology and multicultural society. Dealing with the follow citizens justly and equally is need of day. Lack of insecurity, unjust distribution of socio-economic resource, and misuse of blasphemy laws are some of the challenges to interfaith harmony in Pakistan. This is result of the migration of non-Muslims, especially Christians, Hindus and Ahmadis to India and western countries. Misinterpretation of jihad, partial and prejudiced religious discourse, absence of non-Muslims’ literature in the national educational curriculum has created gap between the majority and minorities of the country.
Pakistan can be better place to live if exchange of ideas keeps on taking place. There is not much difference in the original messages of love in different religions/faiths. Synthesis of philosophies of the genius, true lovers of humanity and Saints may bring heaven on this earth.
There is dire need to take immediate steps to ensure social justice and fair distribution of socio-economic resources in order to promote an environment for forbearance, tolerance and co-existence in our society and eliminate the sense of insecurity and injustice among the religious minorities. Interfaith harmony is the only way forwards in promoting peace and prosperity in the society in line with the spirit of the founder of the nation, Mohammad Ali Jinnah. Only tolerant society based on the principles of interfaith harmony can ensure social inclusion by providing all citizens equal opportunities to progress and grow irrespective of their faith.
Inhuman acts across the world have shaken the societies and under this situation, it is necessary to encourage tolerance, peace, patience and interfaith harmony in Pakistan. Religious minorities have right to enjoy a safe and secure environment as envisaged in the constitution of Pakistan and it must be provided unconditionally. To that end, there will be no harm in ammending the constitution, if such a need is felt. To my knowledge, Islam has issued severe warnings to those who infringe upon the rights of the minorities. Religiously motivated violence must be fought together and with passion. People from different faiths must continue to defend the faith and liberties of each other. The fanatics – weather at home or abroad – must be brought to justice, but that can only be done if people of all faiths and beliefs are united against them. Fundamentalists and extremists aim to kill people indiscriminately. Their only goal is to cause chaos, devastation and bloodshed. These types of violent actions are far removed from the teaching of any religion or faith. Every faith should start to defend the faith and liberties of each other. The cycle of hate and counter-hate, violence and counter-violence needs to be broken.
Youth should be engaged to build a future of enlightened and passionate Pakistan. Our young generation should understand that small acts of kindness can change lives. It is kindness that leads to a more secure and prosperous nation. I am confident that by working on these issues in our own communities, we can emerge as a model for the region as a whole.

